Inductive Source Resisitivity (ISR)

Lamontagne Geophysics Ltd. is the only provider of Inductive Source Resistivity measurements. ISR has been shown to be sensitive to conductive and resistive alteration, and as such can be applied to exploration over mineral, geothermal or petroleum prospects where alteration is associated with emplacement processes. Mineralized targets include epigenetic and Carlin-type gold deposits, porphyries, roll front and Athabasca uranium, and VMS. Because ISR is sensitive to vertical resistivity contacts, it is effective in detecting dipping chromite, scheelite and silica mineralization, or salt diapirs and intrusions within sedimentary packages.

KEGS-2013-Symposium abstract-ISR Sierra Gorda ISR.pdf
KEGS-2013-Symposium presentation-ISR Sierra Gorda ISR.pdf
ISR Case Histories
ISR 2010 - Sudbury.pdf
ISR - Shea Creek.pdf
Archean Gold Exploration ISR - Windjammer.pdf
ISR Temora.pdf
Sierra Gorda Project ISR - Chile.pdf
ISR Technical Data
ISR Applications Brochure-March2010.pdf
Mapping Silicification with ISR.pdf
ISR - High Contrast Resistor.pdf
ISR - High Contrast Conductor.pdf
ISR Sensitivity Guidelines.pdf